Fine King Figure Kuba

Democratic Republic of Congo
P R O V E N A N C E: Dated 1957, Mweka area, Bajikile Avgvste
High 38 cm.

Fine King Figure Kuba. Finely carved from hardwood, the king (nyim) is posed in the conventional and traditional style, with idealized traits, seated crossed-legged on a square pedestal (bulell) replicating the padded throne-seat of Kuba kings, with a elaborate carved crisscrossed geometric pattern (ntshuun anyim – the pattern chosen by the king at his coronation) overall. the left hand holds the bird-rooster ( a symbol of vigilance to the Kuba), with the right hand resting on the right knee. The king wears the royal objects: a headdress with visor (shody) shading the king’s face, carved with cowries shells around symbolizing authority; shoulders hoops of decorated cloth on cane over his shoulders, reserved only for kings. The body is understated between the head and the pedestal, his head oversized, as is traditional in all ndop figures, with well-defined, shaved hairstyle, scarification on both sides of the head, the projecting face is dominant and full with a calm, kind expression, the lips full and relaxed.

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Fine King Figure Kuba