Fine Large Igbo Afikpo Mask
Fine Large Igbo Afikpo Mask. The mask has been called “Yam’s Knife” (Mma Ji). Its bug-like forehead extension represents a machete that was used in field for work and formerly the mask has served also as a weapon.
It is said that the Mma ji mask has occurred in particular on celebrations for the Yams harvest. The masks of Afikpo were not allowed to be danced by the women of the tribe, but as spectators they were certainly welcome.
“mma ji” mask
Igbo-Afikpo, Nigeria
High 91 cm.
Very nice depth, finely carved and has good abstract shape. Traces of the original pigment (brown and white).
Old aged patina.
Materials: wood, natural dyes
Carlo Monzino (1931-1996), Castagnola.
Jean David, Basel, Switzerland.
Cole, Herbert M. (1984). Igbo Arts. Los Angeles: Museum of Cultural History, UCLA
The condition (wear, cracks, tear, other imperfections and the effects of aging etc. if applicable) of this lot is as visible on the multiple photos we have uploaded for your documentation.
Two of the “mouths” fixed after fracture (see photos)
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