Fine Large Taihu Scholar’s Rock
Height 55 cm.
Fine Large Taihu Scholar’s Rock. The stone of nice dark colour and formed with jagged outcrops and protrusions, with translucent veining providing an attractive contrast.
* Chinese scholars’ rocks , also known as scholar stones or viewing stones, are naturally occurring or shaped rocks which are traditionally appreciated by Chinese scholars.
Scholars’ rocks can be any colour, and contrasting colours are not uncommon. The size of the stone can also be quite varied: scholars’ rocks can weigh either hundreds of pounds or less than one pound.[2] The term also identifies stones which are placed in traditional Chinese gardens.
In the Tang dynasty, a set of four important qualities for the rocks were recognized. They are: thinness (shou), openness (tou), perforations (lou), and wrinkling (zhou).
Chinese scholar’s rocks influenced the development of Korean suseok and Japanese suiseki.
The origin of the stone is a notable feature.
Lingbi stone from Anhui. Ming Dynasty, 15th century
- Lingbi stone (Lingbishi) from Lingbi, Anhuiprovince, limestone
- Taihu stone (Taihushi) from Lake Tai, Jiangsuprovince, limestone
- Yingde stone (Yingshior Yingdeshi) from Yingde, Guangdong province, limestone
* From Wikipedia
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