Ming Dynasty Bronze Seated Figure Dignitary



Ming Dynasty Bronze Seated Figure Dignitary

Early Ming Dynasty, 15th Century
High 30 cm.

Ming Dynasty Bronze Seated Figure Dignitary, a nice lacquered gilt bronze figure of a Dignitary, the figure cast seated in European fashion on a throne with a design of elephant’s head on both sides wearing elaborately embroidered multi-layered robes with long sleeves draped over the shoulders and falling in folds over the knees above the pointed shoes, the long sash  and elaborately knotted ribbons tied at the chest and suspended to the feet, the hands raised and clasped in front of his chest holding a tablet, the face with a serene smiling expression with a long wispy beard beneath an official’s hat adorned at the centre with a ruyi and sceptre with long tassels at the sides.

 P R O V E N A N C E:  

Former property from old New York collection

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