Baule Pair Asie Usu

Baule Pair Asie Usu

Wood; H.: 38 cm; 36,5 cm.
A Fine Baule Pair of Asie Usu

Baule Pair Asie Usu, when a pair of figures are carved together, they cannot possibly represent spirit-spouses (which are always single pieces). They are inevitably spirits of nature. There are undoubted similarities in appearance, as in this case, and even the hands are held in the same position. However, in this context they convey a different meaning for the Baule, who say this is a typical gesture of deference used by spirits when they meet a diviner, and this is how the spirits appear to the sculptors themselves in their dreams.

The two figures, standing on a circular bases with elongated feet beneath muscular legs and rounded buttocks, with narrow shoulders and elongated arms held  close to the sides. Elaborate scarification on the abdomens, necks and faces, downcast eyes with carved pupils. The two with pursed small mouths and short goatees. Glossy dark patina


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