Lega Mask Lukungu

Democratic Republic of Congo
Large Ivory mask | ca. 1920s | high 15 cm | wide 7,5 cm.
P R O V E N A N C E: Old European private collection bought in Germany in 1982. There is included the original invoice dated 21 December 1982.

Lega Mask Lukungu. Of oval form with pierced raised eyes, slender nose and small pierced lenticular mouth, a curved band of scarification across the forehead and along each cheek, the border pierced five times about the chin, creamy to golden patina. This Lega Lukungu mask is used exclusively by the highest graded of the Bawami society. Lega Masks: There are two types of mask in the Lega ceremonies: the first is a face mask, used during initiation ceremonies and the second called Lukwakongo, is a mask worn on the arm. The Lukwakongo mask is smaller then the face mask and is worn on an initiate’s body to indicate his or her rank within the Bawami society. There is a particular type of ivory mask – Lukungu, which is used exclusively by the highest graded of the Bawami society.

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Lega Mask Lukungu