Painted Grey Pottery Saddle Horse

Painted Grey Pottery Saddle Horse

Tang Dynasty (618-907)
High 28 cm., wide 32 cm.
The result of the thermoluminescence test, is consistent with the dating of the item.
Provenance: Dutch private collection Geert A. W. Amsterdam. Director Ligne & Partners B.V. Architecten.

Painted Grey Pottery Saddle Horse. Finely modelled striding with head well modelled turned to the right and  with open mouth. Flared nostrils and expressive eyes below the picked ears. The gracefully arched neck grooved, with hogged mane and docked tail, the saddle covered with a knotted cloth set atop a blanket painted with scrolling foliage.

A similar striding horse is illustrated in Christie’s New York, Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 29 March 2006, lot 376  

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