Painted Red Pottery Equestrian Figure

Painted Red Pottery Equestrian Figure

Terracotta with original paint. China
High 34 cm., wide 33 cm. Tang Dynsty
Provenance: Dutch private collection Geert A. W. Amsterdam. Director Ligne & Partners B.V. Architecten.

Painted Red Pottery Equestrian Figure. The rider shown with body inclined back and to the side. His hands positioned as if pulling hard the reins jerking the horse’s head sharply to the side. Wearing a short jacket belted over a tunic and pants. His hair pulled up and bunched above his forehead under a red cloth tied around his head. The face well modelled  with stern expression and a hooked nose, seated astride a saddle with white saddle cloth and black and white saddle blankets. The horse standing foursquare with mouth open. With traces of white, black and red pigment.

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