A Fine Gilt Bronze Figure of Usnisavijaya with Lotus Base, 18th C.
Tibet, Gilt bronze, cold painting, turquoise inlays
18th century
High 11 cm.
GILT BRONZE USHNISAVIJAYA, Usnisavijaya is a Buddha of long life in Buddhism. Seated in padmasana on a double lotus pedestal with beaded rim
Depicted with three heads and eight arms. The hands in various mudras radiating around the body. Each head embellished with a detailed crown. In the center of the forehead a high topknot with turquoise inlay. The faces serene with third eye, eyes half-closed and a slight smile. Covered with precious jewelry in relief. Around the hips a wrinkled dhoti with ornate hems.
Sealed by a base plate with inscription.
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