Mangbetu Slit Drum


Mangbetu Slit Drum

Democratic Republic of the Congo
width 89 cm
Wood, copper nails

Mangbetu Slit Drum. Of slender rounded form, pierced handles to the curved sides, tapered each end of the narrow opening at the top, dark glossy patina.

The elegant form of the slit drums used by the Mangbetu (and the neighbouring peoples of N.E. Zaïre and adjacent countries) evolved so that the player can slit the straps that loop through the handles about his shoulders. Cf. an almost identical drum collected by Edkins amongst the Mangbetu in 1954 (Laurenty, J.S., Les Tambours à Fente de l’Afrique Centrale, Tervuren, 1968, Pl. XVIII,no.206); another collected among the Lega at Maniema by Tusch in 1912; and a third collected among the Uele at Mamvu by Hutereau in 1912 (Pl. XVII, nos. 192 and 196)

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Mangbetu Slit Drum