Painted Gray Pottery Equestrian Figure
Eastern Wei Dynasty (534-550 A.D.), Shaanxi province, China
With the original colours.
Long 24 cm. High 31 cm.
Excellent condition. An intact (not broken or repaired). Eastern Wei objects are very rare!
Note: A Certificate of Authenticity from Becker Antiques (antique dealers since 1969, Amsterdam) will accompany the item.
– The result of the thermoluminescence test, is consistent with the dating of the item.
Painted Gray Pottery Equestrian Figure. The caparisoned horse standing foursquare on a rectangular base with its head tiled forward, the rider seated with both hands raised in a position to hold some object, wearing a high headdress with earmuffs and full-sleeved tunic gathered over loose pantaloons, traces of white and burgundy-red pigment.
Provenance: Kunst en Antiekhandel J S Becker sinds 1969.
A similar equestrian figure was excavated from Eastern Wei tomb dated 547 A.D. in Dongchen (Hebei province) and illustrated in Kaoga, 1977, no. 6, p. 394, fig. 4 (3)
The unusual high headdress with ears muffs is said to have been made of silk gauze and is discussed and illustrated by Scholss, Ancient Chinese Ceramics Sculpture, vol. I, p. 155, fig. 74 where he describes it as being made for both the male and female aristocracy.
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