Very Rare Important Gothic Madonna & Child




Very Rare Important Gothic Madonna & Child

Burgundian, France, c.a. 1500

High 98 cm.

Very Rare Important Gothic Madonna & Child, carved in high relief, the crowned Madonna standing in contrapost, her eyes with serene expression, wearing a headscarf over her long curly hair, her mantle wrapped around her, the long u-shaped folds upheld underneath the child Christ seated on her left arm, holding a golden globe.


A Erlande-Brandenburg, “L`Art Gothuique”, (Mazenod-Paris 1983), fig. 331, pp.412

An inferior Virgin and Child from the Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection illustrated by P. Williamson “Medieval Sculpture & Works of Art”, (London, 1987), fig. 12, pp. 74 & 75.

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